Professional Examinations

TP offers examinations and performance awards in ballet and all genres of the performing arts. Regulated and certified by the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, BBO Dance (formerly the British Ballet Organization) and IPaTH (the International Performing Arts and Theatre). The school also follows the Acrobatic Arts Syllabus, Acrotrix and the International Dance Rewards guidelines, offering medal tests and class awards, as an alternative to the societies more formal and demanding examination syllabus.

The ISTD and BBO Dance are both awarding bodies regulated by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations (OFQUAL) and their qualifications are aligned with the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).

Students are encouraged to progress through the graded syllabus by taking any of the designed routes mentioned, however, they are optional.

Our ethos is that dance is for everyone and should be an enjoyable, confidence boosting, expressive art form. No child will be forced to take an exam, especially if they do not want to take part, have not reached the necessary age, or the standard required. Exams are also expensive! Equally, if we enter a child for an exam and as the time approaches, feel that the pressure of the extra practice and syllabus demands are becoming too stressful, we may feel the need to withdraw your child from the session, with a view to entering at a later date, seeking an alternative route, or moving up, alongside their peers, without participating in the session.

Examinations offer a goal and an end product, however, they are not for everyone and here at Turning Point we offer so much more. We will encourage your child to be individual, happy, friendly, strong, disciplined, passionate, team players – who belong to a caring, friendly and approachable organization.

(Dance and drama examinations will not affect your child’s future career choices).